HUMP DAY! I can't believe Adrie has already been gone for 9 months. Only 9 more months to go!
Crazy how time flies! It seems like it was just yesterday that I was on a 9 month countdown till she was born but that's already been 22 years ago
Dearest family and friends :) I hope everything is wonderful and going well. I am trying to keep my head above water here hahaha just kidding, sort of. I have had to go to a lot of meetings lately and it's a little difficult being away from your area for that long but I know the things I am learning are helping me to become a better missionary and a better person. It's different being a trainer but I am really enjoying it. I miss Sister Fuller we had a fun companionship, but I am so happy she is in beautiful Sandpoint. My companions name is Sister Amelia Huntsman from Anchorage, Alaska (the place my sweet brothers told me I would be going when I read my first "mission call" if you can all remember that lovely moment :)). She is awesome and so cute, she is a little more quiet than I am used to but that's okay!! We get along well and she really has a desire to love the people and help them to see how the gospel will bless them. It's a cool experience watching her step outside of her comfort zone and try new things. Sometimes she tells me she feels creepy asking random people on the street what their names are and what their beliefs are and all of that good stuff. I just laugh and laugh and tell her that is exactly what she signed up for and she needs to get over feeling creepy because she will be doing it for the next 18 months. I think she likes me so that's good hah! I can be such a goofball sometimes (I got that from my mom) and I think there are those moments where Sister Huntsman might think I am a little weird but whatever. We are going to have a fun transfer! Incredible things have happened in the last week..
1. Our investigators, Amanda and Chris, are on date for June 21st! Our lesson on the Plan of Salvation was so good and the Spirit was strong, my companion did a great job teaching too. She is an inspired teacher. They brought up some concerns with having to quit coffee and we testified of the power of the Atonement and the strength and increased desire they will receive as they continue to meet with us. At the end of our lesson, I think the both of them felt comforted and felt loved, they were excited to commit to June 21st. Chris, who is very quiet, said, "That sounds like a really good day." That made me happy. Even better, they have been sharing with others that they are going to be baptized on June 21st. We are going to work hard to help them get there. Either way, I know they are progressing and will get there when the time is right.
2. The Morton's, a super sweet less-active couple that Sister Fuller and I have been diligently teaching for the last 12 weeks, came to church!!! It was great to see some of our investigators there but I was floored when I saw Brother Morton's face. They looked happy to be there. It was such a miracle, Sister Fuller will be so excited to hear this :)
3. Manly games was too good! There was such a great turn out. A lot of investigators, non members, and less-actives showed up. I was impressed with the men in our ward and their missionary efforts.
4. Jim Brock, our recent convert/missionary man is back! And he is on fire. He has already given us a couple of referrals and he has been telling us non stop of the missionary experiences he had while he was in Pennsylvania. I feel like a proud mother. Go Jim go! The Lord is using him in amazing ways, it gets me teary eyed thinking about it haha.
5. Today is my 9 month mark, half way! Isn't that crazy? I feel like it was yesterday I went to the MTC. Even though time goes by quick I still feel like I have forever until I come home but I know it will be here before I know it so I am trying to make the most of every day.
Things are going well! Know that I love you all and pray for you often. XOXOX