Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 28


This is going to be quick, we just got out of the temple so we decided to hit up the family history center across the street and start emailing, we have a member coming to get us soon so I can't be long. 

We had the primary program on Sunday :) I love those. They make me laugh. Best part was we were able to help 4 of our investigators get to church WOO WOO! One of them we happened to contact on the street earlier that day and invite her and she was all for it. She is a little interesting though. The perfect person who fits the description of Alma 41:11. She has some ideas that are very contrary to the nature of God. But we still love her. I think she is up and leaving to Missouri so hopefully we planted a seed in her sweet heart.

Miracle that I have been blessed to witness... Mario was never taught how to read. He was at the level of a 5 year old. Since we have been teaching him and reading the scriptures with him he has improved tremendously and he is understanding principles quite well. We had an amazing lesson with him yesterday, he read a few scriptures for us and I was blown away. I'm amazed, it makes me so happy. The blessings of the gospel come in all different shapes and sizes. 

We decorated some pumpkins and they turned out great! I love this time of year, I will send them to you so you can see them mom. But it won't be until next week, they are on another sister's camera.

Love YOU!!

Love, Sister Rogers

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 20, 2014

LOGAN!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! ARGENTINA. You are going to be perfect for Argentina and it's going to be perfect for you. Thank you for sending me a video, it made me feel like I was there with everyone. It's such a surreal experience huh. I remember feeling like I was going to throw up too. I've forgiven you for switching my calls, I laugh about it now :) Spanish woo hoo! I have a new love for that language, in fact I have another exchange this upcoming week with the Spanish sisters and I couldn't be more excited. You are going to have such an adventure! I just feel so happy and so proud of you. I'm excited to write you letters and send you packages haha I'll have your back Logi every step of the way! Prepare, prepare, prepare. That's all I got to say. Scriptures/Preach My Gospel, prayer, temple. Before you know it we will see each other again, time flies so soak it up the best you can!

I'm happy Brother Whittle was able to drop off all that stuff to you. They are the greatest family! I love the Whittles with all my heart. They are a huge support to us and the missionary work. Deer Park is thriving! One of my investigators, Don Temples was baptized yesterday! And Sarah Winkfield is on date for November 7. I feel grateful to be in touch with my previous areas and watch them grow. Sister Dunford and I are doing our very best to find new people to teach, we are spending a good bit of our time in members homes teaching them lessons and helping them with their missionary efforts. It's getting there! We took Mario, one of our investigators, to a baptism the other night that the Elders were having. The Spirit was great and I hope Mario was able to feel it. I honestly don't know how he couldn't. I think he is going to be one of those eternigators. But you never know! He says our church feels like a business. In a way I can see what he is saying.. God is a god of order Mario. We love him and he is going to get there.

About all those things I sent you, they are kind of miscellaneous. I wanted to try and send as much stuff home that I could so my luggage isn't super heavy. The binder has letters and things, feel free to read them if you would like, they are fun :) I have some more with me that I will bring home. I also sent one of our family history books. I can never find the time to get to it and it's a little heavy so I figured I will just read it when I get home. The kendema ball (or however you spell it) is for all of you! I bought it in Sandpoint. Every kid on the block in Sandpoint has those, they are addicting! I can totally see Isaac getting into it. I will probably be trying to send some more stuff home here in a couple transfers. I don't want to pay extra money for luggage.

My mailing address is

4607 E. 16th Ave.
Spokane Valley, WA

I will probably be here next transfer but who really knows. So just be aware to not send anything to that address the last week of October. You can send anything to the mission office that week and I can grab it down there.


Love, Sister Rogers

This is my zone <3 we have a lot of Polynesians

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14, 2014

Family :) This last week I had the opportunity to go on exchanges with the Spanish sisters in my zone. I loved it. It's cool to sit in on a lesson and have no idea what's being said but you feel the Spirit so strongly. It gave me an opportunity to better recognize the Spirit because I could focus on what I was feeling rather than what was being said. It was heaven and the Hispanics are just too great. When I serve a mission with my husband someday I wouldn't mind if we were called to a Spanish speaking mission one bit. I would give it all of my heart and soul to learn the language. All the Spanish missionaries and myself had dinner at their ward mission leaders house and the Elders taught the message at the end of our visit. Everyone in the house knew how to speak Spanish but me so the Elders decided it would be a good idea to have me read the scriptures haha I'm sure that was amusing for all of them. I butchered it probably but Sister Torres said I did a really good job so hey ha maybe.

I am so excited for Logi to get his call :) I've been asking everyone if they think it's possible for siblings to serve in the same mission at the same time. Logan would be so lucky haha this is the best mission but I'm sure where ever he is called will be pretty wonderful :) I've at least been praying and asking Heavenly Father, if it's His will of course, to have Logan's departure date be after my return home haha it's selfish but I thought I would give it a go. Send me a video from the iPhone of him reading his call please :) those videos seem to work well.

Meet the Mormons was pretty good. I love the candy bomber, he is such a sweetheart. I think that's the only part I really cried. It reminded me of a time I went on a date up at the Conference Center for the Christmas program. They had a big presentation on the candy bomber and little parachutes with candy dropped from the ceiling and beautiful music was playing and he came on stage and was able to share his testimony. It was good, I was bawling hahah I remember turning my head to wipe the tears so my date didn't think I was crazy. Inspirational stories get me. So yes that was probably my favorite part in the film. You will have to go see it when you get the chance!

I got to go but I love you!

Love, Sister Rogers

Friday, October 10, 2014

October 6, 2014

Hello :)

I think Sister Dunford and I are really starting to warm up to our new area! I'm beginning to love it, especially our members! Our ward mission leader is so great. He was a mission president in Peru, so he knows whats up. He asked us to come over this last week and teach him the Plan of Salvation, so we did and of course he was pretending to be an investigator and was asking questions right and left. Long story short he helped us see our flaws and those things we need to work on. For a second I was a little stunned haha and had to swallow a big dose of humility but then I realized (I think the Spirit brought to my remembrance) that towards the end of last transfer I was praying and asking for Heavenly Father's help in knowing what I can do to be a better teacher. So there you have it haha obviously Brother Elmer is my answer. Once I recognized this as the Lord's help, I felt pretty grateful. I feel like I am having those incredible moments lately where I am really recognizing Heavenly Father's answers to my prayers.

Recently I have been asking Heavenly Father to help me recognize what I can focus on to find new investigators and help this area grow. This last week we had Missionary Leadership Council, a meeting for all the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders. At one point we started talking about family history and how it is a huge part of the hastening of the work. We watched a few clips from and even printed out our 4 generation pedigree charts. As I printed mine out I immediately felt that Spirit and excitement. The moment we began to discuss family history I immediately felt the Spirit. I knew this was the Lord answering my prayers. Duh! Family History! What an amazing way to help non members and less actives feel the Spirit as they learn about their ancestors and help them see how it connects with the gospel and Heavenly Father's plan. As their hearts are softened through the spirit of family history work, of course they will want to have the gospel in their lives. Family History is the one thing I have failed to remember in my contacting. I think Satan is so good at distracting us. He is so good at helping us focus on the good things when there are better and best things! Good general conference talk on that this last week by the way :) I loved the last session the best. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Meet the Mormons is coming to theaters!! Invite your friends :) Go out for family home evening. I think it's going to be so good. We get to see it in our mission so I'm pretty excited.

I love you! 

Love, Sister Rogers