Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 24, 2014

Oh my goodness!! This week has been a week full of so much good. We have had some great things happen and I feel so happy to be apart of it. My most favorite miracle... Amy Brown. So Amy has been living with a less active couple in our ward. She is an old family friend of theirs. When Sister Dunford and I first came to the area we didn't have a car and they live close by so we decided to pay them a visit. That is when we met Amy. And turns out members are coming to get us right now at the family history center... you're gonna kill me ha I'm so sorry my emails haven't been all that great the last couple of weeks... we don't have the car today the Elders stole it from us and we are all playing flag football together at another church building so we are at the mercy of others availability so I'm going to have to tell you all about our miracle with Amy next week!! To be continued hahah. 

I love you!!! 

Oh! And here are some pictures of the pumpkins we made, they are a little outdated but we had a good time and I promised I would send them to you. That is Sister Dunford, not Sister Wilson. I'll send you a picture of her next week. I love her.

Love, Sister Rogers

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 18, 2014

Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes! :) That was fun getting a package with all of those letters! That was the best part. I am grateful for all of it but I love the letters the most. Those are what make me the most happy. I also really loved the skirt and the necklace, thanks mom!! It was a good day, the members here are so thoughtful.

Sister Wilson and I have been bearing the cold. It's freezing up here and it gets dark around 4:30. I will not miss that at all but it's not too bad. I feel like Glenrose is really picking up! We have met so many wonderful people within the last few weeks and our teaching pool is growing. I want to tell you all about it but I have tons of pictures to send home and just the right amount of time to upload all of them. Forgive me for not writing too much this week. I LOVE YOU!!!

Oh! Baby Thayne is the cutest thing :) Congratulations Aunt Carinne! He looks like a little sweet heart and I'm excited to meet him. 

This gospel is true. And the Spirit will always testify of that as we do those things that are good. 


Love, Sister Rogers

get ready for all of the pictures... hopefully I can get them all in.

1440 - Sister Sachse gave me a crown, wand, and a huge hunk of chocolate for my birthday :) How perfect.

1442 - I dub thee Sister Wilson to be my companion. 

1946 - my birthday cake! it was good

 This is our pet dog Martini. Missionaries aren't supposed to have pets but we live with Sister Sachse so woo! She reminds me of Bella

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 10, 2014

FAMILY :) Hello!

My new companion is Sister Nicole Wilson from Frisco, Texas. I love her so much, she is a sweetheart. She is doing so well you wouldn't even know she is a new missionary. We are going to have a fun transfer. I'll send you a picture of her soon. Mario is doing well, we had a miracle with him the other day. He is a little nervous to make the commitment to be baptized but these last few weeks as we've taught him the plan of salvation and building a foundation of scripture study, prayer, and church attendance, he has felt the Spirit and is growing so much! His countenance is changing and it's so exciting to watch. I think a lot of it had to do with Sister Dunford and the talents and experiences God has given her. She was able to connect with Mario very well and I think her bold spirit had a powerful influence on him. I'm grateful for her help in getting this area going. It's progressing haha it's getting there. For example... when initially asked if he would be baptized, Mario would say, "When I'm ready" or "We'll see". Things like that. I was starting to lose some hope but this last week when invited by Sister Wilson he said, "SOON!" He said soon! WOOOOWOWOW! That's a good answer. I'm so happy.

Remember when I told you about Sarah Winkfield and the promptings that wouldn't leave me alone?? She was baptized this last week :) Next step is the temple. I'm so happy for her and her family!

How is everybody doing? How is school and work and life? I am always praying for you. One thing that has become very real to me on my mission is that families can be together forever. I've always known this but my gratitude for this blessing has been strengthened, I didn't think that was possible but it is. I feel so blessed to have the loved ones in my life that I do, friends and family. It couldn't get any better than you guys!

By the way Dad, I LOVE your pirate costume hahah all the Elders were cracking up. You look good.


Love, Sister Rogers

I will have the pictures of my pumpkins next week, I promise.

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014

Wellll another transfer done and gone. These 6 weeks fly so fast it's ridiculous. I am starting to feel twinges of home sickness for the mission which is weird I know cause I'm here but I really am going to miss it so much. I remember when I first came out and all I could think to myself was... I don't think I can do this for 18 more months. Then I blinked and now I'm here and I've loved every minute! Even the ugly times

Transfer calls were surprising! I will be staying in Glenrose! I'm pretty excited about that, we have had some break through moments lately. It's getting good! Mario is progressing wonderfully and we put another one of our investigators Rachael on date yesterday! Woo hoo! We have many new investigators just kind of floating at the moment. A couple of them we will be meeting with this week so I'm crossing my fingers for some who will muster up the courage to change their lives and keep commitments. Sister Dunford is being transferred (didn't see that one coming), she is headed over to West Spokane and will finish her training with another sister. Sister Dunford has taught me a lot. One being COMMUNICATION. Not necessarily because she communicated but because she struggled to communicate or sometimes she was just too stubborn to communicate and it made things rough at times. It made me realize how crucial it is to talk things out and be honest with how you're feeling. I absolutely hate having to walk on eggshells or always be wondering what's going on inside my companions head. They aren't kidding when they say communication is so big in marriage. I will never marry someone like Sister Dunford. Ever. But we have been getting along quite well lately and it has been smoother sailing these last few weeks so I'm grateful. I hope I was able to help her in some way. She is going to be a great missionary. A powerful, bold missionary. I'm not too positive who my new companion will be, it's a sweet new missionary from the MTC. We went "fear busting" today, the new missionaries got off the plane and were driven straight to downtown, we got paired up with one of them and took them out to the wonderful people of Spokane so they could break their nerves a little bit by sharing the gospel right from the get go. So I was able to meet all the new sisters and I would be happy to train any of them! We will see, I will let you know who it is! 

Mom, thank you for sending me those caramel apples and DILLY BEANS!!!! Oh man, that was the greatest. I've already eaten a jar. Yum yum, I tried to share with Sister Dunford but she didn't want any haha more for me!

I have gotten some photos, the last ones I got was the email with Kallen and Rowan and the one of Sadie and Estee. I didn't get to see the one of Sadie or of Dad in his pirate costume.. you've got to send that to me. I want to see it!! I bet he looks great. Did you get pictures of Isaac too? Logan has a quite a nice picture of his costume haha what a punk :)

I love you all so much. XOXO

Love, Sister Rogers