Tuesday, November 26, 2013


First off, I got a package from the Lindon 8th ward Young Woman! It was the best surprise :) They are the sweetest. It was filled with a whole bunch of goodies and notes from each of them including Sister Brown. I couldn't be more happy. Thank you so much! 

Last week Sister Workman and I and some other missionaries went up into the mountains to help Brother Warburton clean up his cabin property for the Winter. It was a blast. He had a ton of cool things like old cars, a big huge bus, animal bones everywhere. It was fun! And beautiful. I was praying the whole time that I would get to see a moose up there. Anyways it took a couple of hours until we were done. When Sister Workman and I were driving home I suddenly felt sick to my stomach... I remembered I had left eggs boiling on the stove and didn't shut if off before we left. I told Sister Workman and we raced our little butts back home. I was happy to see that our apartment complex was still there. We ran to the door and sure enough the fire alarm was going off inside. I was nervous to see what was going on in there. When Sister Workman opened it up tons of smoke poured out and the apartment was filled with it. I booked it to the stove to shut it off! It wasn't pretty. But luckily there wasn't any fire or damage, except to our poor little pot. The only one we had. I felt so horrible, our neighbors walked by to check on us. They were a little worried hahah I would be too if I were them. They said the alarm had been going off for a half hour and they were getting ready to break down our door. I was embarrassed and felt really dumb ha I will never make that mistake again. On the bright side we still have our apartment! Woo hoo! It smells horrible. I swear the smoke just soaked into the carpet and walls. And into my clothes. We bought a couple bottles of Febreze so it should be good.

We put a couple investigators on date to be baptized this last week! Phoebe and a guy named Sean Foley :) Phoebe is cute. She is 15 years old and really mature. She was a former investigator because her grandparents are catholic and didn't want her to be meeting with us but something told me that we needed to go back and see how she was doing. She invited us to come in and we taught her the Restoration. The spirit was wonderful :) She had a smile on her face the whole time and her eyes teared up as we talked about the Atonement. At the end I asked if she would prepare herself to be baptized on December 21st. She said, "I'm already prepared!" I was so happy! She said she would prepare for that date and continue reading the Book of Mormon, praying, and come to church. Pray so hard for Phoebe! She is so close. I am praying so hard that her grandparents and moms hearts are softened and they will allow her to progress and be baptized!

John Bell is doing well! He seems to be making a lot of progress. We asked him if he would pray and ask for help and strength before he lit up a cigarette. He laughed and said that would make him feel super guilty every time he smoked but that he would do it and see if it helps. The other day a member, Brother Downen, who is a fellowshipper for John, told us that John called him and told him what we asked him to do. He said that he decided to try it for the first time and after he prayed he put down his cigarette and didn't smoke. Sister Workman and I were so excited. He is coming along! Slowly but surely. It is all in the Lord's time!

I love you! I need to go! We are going to the temple today, I am pretty excited. I hear the Spokane temple is really pretty inside. They all are! Happy Thanksgiving <3

Love, Sister Adrienne Rogers

Helping Brother Warburton clean up his mountain property.  Lots of cool things!
These are the eggs I burned.  Our pot is ruined.
When teaching the gospel, say it with color :)


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